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Popular Topics – This & That

Overview of Adult Dyslexia Checklist

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To better determine if a person might have a learning disability, numerous steps should be taken. One of which is an adult dyslexia checklist, which is essentially a list of questions that should be answered in order to determine if an individual might have dyslexia. The questions are grouped into categories such as reading, writing, spelling, as well as other skills.

Various organizations have developed their own Adult Dyslexia Checklist and although the questions might differ between each association, however, the intention behind the questions remains the same. Often a question is asked in order to determine if a person appears to have average or above average reading abilities or whether they might have or have had any kind of difficulty academically in the past. Answers that reveal that the individual might have average to bad reading and writing abilities suggest that a learning disability might be present.

The questions regarding the reading skills of an individual would manage to indicate how well he or she can comprehend what they have read. If the individual has trouble recognizing site words or sounding out the vocabulary phonetically, it can sometimes reveal that they suffer from dyslexia. Further, the speed of the reading might be tested together with an evaluation which might be conducted in order to determine the comprehension level of the individual for several segments of text that are read out loud by another individual. Spelling can also sometimes be a strong indicator of a learning disability and Adult Dyslexia checklists should therefore try to ask questions related to the individual’s spelling skills. The questions that indicate the possibility of dyslexia would be if the individual might have trouble spelling the same word consistently, and also, more importantly, whether the person might switch or flip flop letters within a word. Additionally, handwriting and their writing utensil grip might sometimes be evaluated.

Questions that can also be expected are questions relating to left and right as well as questions related to memory. The adult dyslexia checklist might also sometimes question whether the individual might have trouble with remembering directions or instructions, or ask if they can remember multiple step directions, when all of the information is provided upfront and immediately.

Once all of the questions on the adult dyslexia checklist are answered, a professional will review the answers and can better determine if further testing and evaluations should be made in order to determine if a diagnosis of adult dyslexia should be issued.

Written by sherifb

November 24, 2009 at 9:02 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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