Popular Topics – This & That

Popular Topics – This & That

Archive for December 2009

Family Budgeting

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With so many people out of work or only working minimally these days, it is important for every family to have a family budget worksheet. These worksheets are great because they help you to plan for bills that need to be paid – entertainment, gifts, food and anything that might go wrong within a month’s time. With family budgeting, there are many ways for you to get ahead, you can plan weekly, monthly, or even yearly if you are able to calculate that far.

Further, household budgeting is very important, as every household will have a certain monthly amount that will be required in order to make a home function in an orderly manner. Most would agree that when you have no order, you get very little. Although monthly expenses can be quite costly, they will be a necessity to make the home run. Everyone needs electricity, money for transportation and food to eat, and these are things that will all need to be accounted for with an adequate planning.

There are many options that can help you to figure out your household planning. For example, Microsoft templates are available on almost every computer that uses Windows. Another option is to use an Excel template or to get one online. There are also places such as Crown Financial and other financial institutions that can help you to sit down and make your planning and budgeting a little easier. A few additional things should always be remembered when you decide to plan a budget for your family:

First, be sure to always use a calculator. If you are using a calculator, your math will be more clear and accurate than if you just try to work it all out in your head. When you are calculating all your bills, make sure that you have them in front of you so that you are able to get the exact amounts instead of guessing, undershooting and often coming short of your monthly budget.

When you sit down to fill out your planner or template, do make sure that you also account for all your unplanned events, accidents and possible emergencies. There is nothing worse than having your car break down and then finding out that you don’t have the money to fix it until next month.

Also, in order to save more money for yourself at the end of the month, when you balance your check book, try to round up all your expenses to the nearest whole dollar. At the end of the month therefore, you will need to try to balance your checkbook with exact amounts, so that you can gradually and easily find yourself ahead with your money instead of just managing to break even.

Written by sherifb

December 22, 2009 at 11:34 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Air Mattresses Great For Incoming Guests

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With the approaching holidays, sometimes extra guests and family might travel into town to stay with you in your home. However, many people simply don’t have the extra beds or bedrooms to be able to adequately host their guests. This is where the increasingly popular air mattresses come into play. An air mattress is always a practical option for you to choose if you might be looking for a place for one of your guests to sleep. They are inflatable and usually come with the plug-in pump. Regular-sized sheets will also be able to fit onto this easy-to-use bed, and, the next morning, you simply deflate it, fold it up and put it in the closet.

Like the beds in most people’s bedrooms, these handy blow-up mattresses also come in single, double, queen as well as king size. There are different kinds and qualities of mattresses which are available depending on your particular needs. The biggest difference between an air mattress and a regular bed mattress is of course that you will be lying close to the floor. But these days, manufacturers have even devised taller mattresses that make it easier to get off the ground. You will even be able to buy a stand that the mattress can fit onto, so that it feels more like a real bed. Many people nowadays also put foam mattress toppers on top of their aerobeds in order to make their mattress even more comfortable.

The question you might be asking is, where should one go to buy this wonderful sensation? It’s as easy as shopping online or going to your nearby Kmart or Sports Authority. You will first need to look into the camping gear section of your shop where you will surely find quite a wide selection to review. Target also carries an Aerobed 1 touch control air mattress that will inflate in 60 seconds and deflate in only 15 seconds. It doesn’t get any easier than that. The air mattress is 9 inches thick, but there are other mattresses that come even thicker. There are also sofa beds that are inflatable and available at relatively reasonable prices. So, don’t worry when you hear that your family are all coming for Christmas to stay with you. A few of these handy portable mattresses are just moments from being ready for use. And, after the relatives leave, you will still be able to easily store or re-use them for camping or other purposes.

Written by sherifb

December 21, 2009 at 10:11 am

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